
Here’s a little gift guide, hopefully it’s helpful. You can choose to donate money as a gift using the paypal button on the side to help us purchase items we will need if you prefer.

We are registered at: Babies R Us and Target


pack-n-playPack N Play 

This will definitely be used when traveling to visit Grandpa and Grandma but also probably as an additional sleeping place during those first few weeks when the crib just seems too big for that little baby we bring home. And the many years ahead…


bugaboo strollerBugaboo Stroller
I have found this is my favorite stroller after testing out a number of different ones over the years. However I can’t justify paying full price so we intend to find a gently used one for a fraction of the price. If you know of anyone getting rid of one, please let us know!



Items we do not yet have a preference on but will need:

  • Disposable Diapers and Wipes
  • Bath products (shampoo, body wash, lotion, etc.)
  • Rash Cream





We want to try and instill the love of reading in our kids so feel free to share with us your favorite books from childhood, now and/or your kids favorite books. You can always send us a list we can use for birthday gifts in the future for Baby Hobson.





Additional Thoughts:

We are totally open for thoughts on things that have worked well for your kids or kids you have cared for. Feel free to think outside of our box of items we’ve registered or listed…


Quick Info

  • Registered: Babies R Us and Target
  • Sex: A Surprise
  • Nursery: check out photos page for the wall color
  • Due Date: July 1st

What is Paypal? It’s a fast, easy, and secure way to send money online. Don’t have an account with Paypal? Don’t worry, they’ll process your card information securely and hassle free.