kt-tunstall-hand-imageEastgate thrives on community and doing “it” together, whatever “it” is.   Although in the process of beginning a new visioning process, we still work on the vision of Seeking God, Sharing Christ and Serving Others.  We do this in many ways, but we mainly do it with the grace of God.  Humanity is difficult and messy and by being a part of this community, we choose to enter into each other’s messiness and with God’s help, still manage to love each other.  Relationships grow at Eastgate through a constant awareness that we are all different, made in God’s image, and that Jesus would have accepted each and everyone one of us in spite of it all.  We operate on the motto of the KC region for the Disciples of Christ denomination, Loving With Christ.  Although, this task is not always easy, it seems that together we struggle through and this community calls each other back to that idea time and time again.  We live in a constant state of being forgiven and forgiving, laughing at ourselves when we fail, and realizing that while we may not want to admit it, sometimes we are hypocritical, sometimes we are judgmental, but we are aware of it, are honest about it, and do what we can to overcome it.  ANYONE is welcome in this congregation – no matter sexual orientation, race, economic status, what they wear, where they live, etc. etc.  WE believe Jesus wants his church to look beyond these things and into a life shared in serving and loving.  Welcome to the table.

Senior Minister – Rev. Joshua Patty

Rev. Joshua Patty became the senior minister of Eastgate on December 1, 2011.  He is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), having previously served as pastor of Central Christian Church in Fairmont, WV and youth minister at United Christian Church in Country Club Hills, IL.  He holds a Master of Divinity from the University of Chicago Divinity School.

Josh has a passion for digging into the Bible in worship and classroom settings, which is evident through sermons that are both engaging and thought-provoking.  He is a student of the history of Christianity, especially in the United States.  He also is an unabased movie fan and a self-professed Abraham Lincoln nut.

You may read Josh’s pastor’s blog, “Along This Pilgrim’s Journey…”, here.

Nancy McCarty, Administrative Assistant

Nancy thought she had retired and then ventured into Eastgate.  She is a powerful secretary, one who keeps us organized and informed.  Nancy is the one to go to with questions and if she can’t answer, she’ll point you to  the right place.  She is married to Ed and together they travel and do much work for a non profit organization.

Youth and Young Adult Minister – Chuck Pickrel

Chuck Pickrel is a lifelong member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and calls Northwest Arkansas his home. Prior to joining the ministry team at Eastgate, he served First Christian Church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas and Millwood Christian Church, in Rogers, Arkansas (serving both as youth minister). Chuck loves wrestling with tough questions and is currently pursuing a degree in philosophy/religion. His wife, Lara Blackwood Pickrel, is also a Disciples minister – they share a love for all things camp, the great outdoors and their West Highland White Terrier named Shelby.

Renee Zimmerman, Minister of Music

Renee is a teacher in the KCK school district and brings her gifts to Eastgate from a variety of places.  Well versed in church language and church music, Renee is a significant part of the ministry of Eastgate.  Renee plays organ, piano, and directs the choir,the bell choir and Childrens musical activities.  She offers much joy and service to Eastgate and has become a friend to many.  Renee has a way of empowering Eastgate’s members to let their voice be heard.  Renee is married to Fred and they both enjoy teaching, going to Royals games, and music!