The customer is always right. I really do try to conduct business that way but some of you guys really do take advantage of that. Sending pipes back to me from half way across the world because the bowl coating has slightly chipped off on a new pipe, a cleaner will pass easily but a fluffy cleaner won’t, it doesn’t feel right in the hand, the grain isn’t as nice as you thought ( that’s way I take photos and shoot video ) and my personal favorite, returning a pipe because a similar pipe sold on eBay for less then what you payed. I keep telling myself the customer is always right.
Why isn’t there a major pipe show in Europe? Something like Chicago? Why isn’t there a major pipe show in the Northeast part of the USA? Something like Chicago?
Can someone please explain to me the fetish bullshit on YouTube about pipe smoking? It makes me sick to my stomach. When I tell people what I do to make a living I always Imagine that they go home do a search on pipe smoking and stumble upon this junk and think I’m into that… It freaks me out.
There’s an old saying “If you want to cut down on an obsession to eat doughnuts, go to work for Dunkin’s or Krispy Kreme.” Which leads me to, when I tell people I have (what most would consider in our hobby) a smaller collection of pipes they often ask how I could control myself and not want everything for my personal collection. When I started I thought it would be tough not to keep everything, I’ve handled to this point close to a thousand high grade pipes and have only kept two. I honestly don’t know how I do it. I guess I kinda get my ‘fix’ for lack of a better term by taking pictures, videoing, measuring etc… basically getting the pipes ready for the site, not to mention talking to you guy about every pipe. By the time I’m done with that, I don’t want to look at it anymore, I just want it out the door.
A  young pipe-maker might look up to guys like Bo, Jess and Lars, I’m not a pipe-maker, I’m a pipe dealer. My guys would be Marty, Per and Premal. The reason I bring this up is because in starting out I didn’t get a lot of help, I mean there isn’t a or a how to book on how to acquire and sell high-grade pipes. These three men, stand up guys, are the reason I do what I’m doing today. Each has taken time over the phone or at a show to give me their advice and point me in the right direction, let me know who to deal with and to avoid, really taken me under there wings. We’re all in the business of selling pipes but they never treated me as competition even though we basically are. I’d just like to thank Marty, Per and Premal for all the help.
